London Design Biennale 2018

Emotion is the strongest state in the human psyche both in the conscious and unconscious mind; not only does it dictate how one reacts to external events, but it also can control how one interacts with family, friends and loved ones. It is arguably one of the most important human responses which can be triggered psychologically.

Mata Atlantica is a rainforest in South America which spans along the Atlantic Coast running from Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil all the way to Paraguay.

The biodiversity present in the Mata Atlantica is one of the densest and abundant in the world, however it has become one of the most threatened. This emotional strain can be seen not only on its inhabitants, but within the forest ecosystem as well. David Elia created Desmatamento to highlight the immediate danger in the Mata Atlantica. The intricate carvings represent the numerous trees and vital ecology that is being decimated and will continue to if changes don’t continue to occur. Desmatamento was beautifully installed to represent the breath-taking surroundings that are present in the Mata Atlantica. Desmatamento is a constant reminder of this delicate ecosystem and the emotional uncertainty it causes on many living beings.

The continuous effort between those trying to save the rainforest and companies that prosper on such lush land is evident. “In 2017 the upward trend in deforestation was reversed, and a fall by 16% was registered as regards to the previous year.” There has been much progress but it still remains an ongoing struggle. “The goals of the NDC (National Climate Change Policy) are very ambitious as Brazil is committed to trying to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases by 37% below the levels of 2005.” It is vital to keep this continuous momentum so emotional distress and strain can be reversed.

The blue pigment at the base of the trunks symbolises the mark used by forest wardens to indicate trees that are to be saved. The trunks design evokes the topography of the tropical forests where various sizes and shapes of plants coexist.

Klein’s Ultramarine Blue colour triggers strong emotions. “The artist considered the colour had a quality close to pure space and associated it with immaterial values.” To David Elia this authentic mind-set is one of the reasons why he chose to pair this colour with the installation.

It is vital to highlight how important these forests are to human emotion, the continuity of mankind as well as the Earth itself.


Reel Collection

