Works on Paper

“Plantado num Recipiente” (Planted in a Recipient) collection is created by the cyanotype technique. Negatives where exposed to ultraviolet light and then washed in water to give the Prussian blue appearance. Personally, I find this medium very well suited as a natural process for evoking and illustrating environmental causes.

Like other collections I have done before, including the idiosyncratic series Desmata-Flora, each work has an A3 paper size.

My major inspiration for this series is the Bonsai trees, which are cultivated to mature without overgrowing beyond the capacity of the containers that hold them. Despite their small sizes, Bonsai trees grow to maturity.

The form, details, and representation technique make this collection attract viewers’ attention by generating an aesthetic view. Working on the series allows me to connect with nature and experience the joy and energy that emanates from it while highlighting the delicate and fleeting nature of our flora and fauna.




Germano Brasileiro